Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I absolutely love Spring! The earth re-awakening creates a re-awakening in me!
It is a hopeful season....hope that Spring will one day come. Hope that the grass will turn green again, hope that buds will blossom and flowers will bloom! I can't wait to feel the warmth of the sun and to get outdoors again!It also means Easter and the hope that the season brings.
Facebook seemed to take over the blog world for awhile, but I have been re-inspired to post a blog entry more often. Not that all that much interesting happens at the Hagen home, but once in awhile we have an event worthy of posting.I enjoy reading about my family and friends, and hopefully they feel the same.


berttude1 said...

I am not sure that not much happens in the Hagen home that is interesting--Have you read April's blog recently??

Jenn said...

WOO HOO! You updated! I check all the time and nothing new .. keep on bloggin!!!